Selasa, 29 Mei 2012

The Powerful of Giving

Good morning everybody.

I’m thankful to God that He gave me new revelation. He did it without see where am I, what I’m doing or when is it. But He just gave me the message automatically like we just talk each other. Sometimes we did it and I’m happy that I can communicate with Him.

Now I want to share to you guys about something that I got when I ride my motorcycle after go to Starlight. There is a message that I got which can encouraging me and I believe it will be affected to you all. The message is about giving, same like our theme this month. The title is “The Powerful of Giving”. Check it out!

Guys, sometimes many people in our church or scout tell about how to giving, what must we give, don’t be selfish or something like that. But, do you know about the powerful of giving?

In marketing, which is my major in university, I learned about how to selling product. When we try to selling product, the best way to make our customer buy our product is we need to give them the benefit of our product, so they can easily want to buy it.

As I learned about marketing in my university, I got the same thought about how to make others doing giving to others. They need to know about the benefit or we can say the powerful form the giving.
Along the way to go home, I got three benefits from giving. And here it is.

  1. The first powerful of giving is when we give in the right time, to right people, in the right given, we can find that everlasting joy will always had at our mind. We will remember that and never forget it although we through the time. This is sure the joy that never ever we receive although we received something from someone we love. Surely!
  2. The second benefit is when we give something to other; believe it or not, we have be a part to changing someone, because generous will changes someone. For example, there is someone in bible, who gave His live to change us from sinner to someone special. His name is Jesus. So, generous or giving will change someone. 
  3.  The last benefit is giving will multiplication. When we gave something to someone, he or she also gives it to other people. So, we can call that “Pay Forward”. Do you remember that film? Do you know the impact from what the child done? There is the power from one small giving. Like the second benefit, it can be change someone. And not stop on that, the move always did by other people. Revealed or not, we have change someone personal to be a giver.
That’s all the powerful of giving, which can give us everlasting joy, change someone, and will be multiplication. The benefits from giving you have known and the choice is yours! Happy giving! God bless. :)

Rabu, 02 Mei 2012

LaguLama #LaLa

Hai hai semuaaaa...
Tema kita hari ini adalah menyanyi lagu lama. Mari tebak-tebak lagu apakah ini... :p

Aku gigi mulut rumahku
Agar sehat dan kuat,
Aku harus disikat
Setiap hari.

Sehabis makan dan sebelum tidur
Dengan pasta gigi berflourite
Makan-makanan bergizi

Dan setiap enam bulan sekali pergi ke dokter gigi

Sehat selalu senang rasanya..

Hayooo, kalian tau ga? :D

Nantikan lagu-lagu lama berikutnyaaa... ;)